The 36th Pakistan Scrabble Championship hosted at the IBA-Institute of Business Administration, Karachi concluded with Pakistan’s ace Waseem Khatri emerging as the National Champion. The defending champion Hassan Hadi was unable to compete due to his professional engagements.
The former world youth champion Ali Salman was the runner-up and his younger brother Affan Salman finished 3rd.
In the Beginners category Syed Hussain emerged as the winner while the Novice category was won by Hammad Asif and the Recreational category was won by Syeda Munhal
This is the 11th national title for Waseem confirming his status as the best scrabble player ever produced by Pakistan.
Allsportspk Recognition: Pakistan’s World of Scrabble
National Category

Final – Round 27 Standing

Recreational Category

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Novice Category

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Beginners Category