As coronavirus has shocked everyone across the globe, many remedies have become viral via various videos, tweets and social media posts. The underlying message is moreover same: The recommended remedy is the best to make your immune system strong and thereby it to fight against the coronavirus infection.

Allsportspk health panel recommends its readers to be very careful of the many remedial claims being made. Primarily as every human body has its own makeup and thereby consuming multiple types of remedies especially together could be harmful.

However, Allsportspk healh panel has come across a natural substance which is absolutely natural and according to various independent and media resources (refer to videos below) is highly recommended.

The substance is known as Kalongi or Black Seed. It originates from a small plant known as Nigella sativa, which in colour and form is pale purple, blue, or white flowers that mainly grows in Middle East, Eastern Europe, Western Asia (Pak-Indo Sub-continent).

Besides the scientific and other modern day proofs, Kolangi has gained a lot of significance as 1400 years ago the Last Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Let fall these Kolangi/black seeds upon you, these contain cure for all diseases except death.”

Allsportspk Health: "Kalongi-Black Seed" A Suitable Remedy For Coronaviruse + Other Ailments (Video Credits FOX NEWS) #Coronavirus #Allsportspk #coronavirusinpakistan

Posted by allsportspk on Sunday, April 5, 2020

Excellent informationJust Listen

Posted by allsportspk on Sunday, April 5, 2020

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