Russia’s – Ukraine crisis has triggered most of the world sporting bodies to evaluate ways of treating athletes, officials and events which are linked with the conflict. Further, IOC-International Olympic Committee has requested sports federations all over the world to debar Russian and Belarusian athletes, officials and teams from global sports events.

The Latest action is from IPC-International Paralympic Committee.

Beijing Paralympics – IPC had allowed athletes from Russia and Belarus to compete under a neutral flag. After many of the athletes had arrived, only 24 hours later due to severe backlash for other competitors, IPC backed down on the decision to allow Russians and Belarusians to compete as neutral athletes, without their colours, flags and other national symbols.Ā As a result of IPC sudden reversal, 83 members of the Russia and Belarus teams have been sent back.

Football – Russian National teams and Football clubs suspended from participating in all FIFA and Uefa competitions.

Archery – World Archery Russia and Belarus prohibited from participating in international events.

Rugby – World Rugby has suspended membership of Rugby Union of Russia. And also suspended Russia and Belarus from all International and Cross-border Rugby activities.

World AthleticsWorld Athletics Council sanctions Russia and Belarus.

Tennis – ITF-International Tennis Federation has suspended the RTF-Russian Tennis Federation and BTF-Belarus Tennis Federation from participating in international team competitions under ITF banner. However, individually Russian and Belarusian tennis players can continue to compete.

Formula 1 – a) Contract terminated with Russian Grand Prix b) Russian drivers banned from competing in UK c) Till further notice Russian and Belarus flags, symbols or national anthems will not be permitted in competitions.

IOC-International Olympic Committee – No athlete or sports official from Russia or Belarus be allowed to take part under the name of Russia or Belarus

FIDE (International Chess Federation) – 44th Chess Olympiad and FIDE Congress will not take place in Russia.

Cycling – UCI banned Russia or Belarus from participating in any event on the UCI calendar. Also stripped six teams of the two countries from UCI status, including the Pro Tour Gazprom-RusVelo team. However, cyclists from Russia or Belarus on individual and neutral participants will still be allowed to compete by registering with a team that is not from the two banned countries.