It is the state of the mind nothing else that creates champions and winners. Controlling your mind and energy to achieve a certain goal is a skill that is vital for the achievements in every field of life. Nature has gifted human beings the ability to conquer the universe, from Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawking and from Michael Jordan to Lionel Messi all of them are great because they do not doubt their ability to overcome the opponents. Same is the case with the daily life as well, when we are faced with problems and challenges instead of trusting our abilities and skills to overcome challenges most of the people blame external facts and luck for not achieving the desired results or overcoming the difficulties.

Everyone knows that Cristiano  Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are the great footballers of this arena, but no one knows that besides the efforts and hard work it is their mindset and self belief that actually make them different from the other foot ball players. It does not matter that you are facing an opponent in a sports or you are facing challenges in your life, the formula for success remains the same and that is ‘Mind Control’.

If difficult to believe! Here is a video that beautifully explain this theory of success.

In the video a man is talking to the famous TV anchor – Oprah Winfrey to hold the string with concentration, focus and assume that the stray is moving back and forth. After a while it actually starts moving wider and wider. The TV anchor simply is shocked to see that it actually is moving, then the man in the video asks her to think that it will move in circles, the lady start thinking and much to her amusement this time the stray moves in the circles. The TV host surprised by the movement of the stray can be seen amused, and she tells the guest that I was feeling a lot of pressure and I thought it will not work but it is working. Supposedly, you being just a viewer are also surprised and maybe shocked.

Further, adding to the surprise, the man smiles and tells her now you can also swing it in the back circles, and as it can be seen, woman easily moves it in the back circles as well only by thinking that it will move in the back circles. The man then states that your expectancy determines the outcome. Every cell in your body is interconnected with your internal dialogue and by changing your internal dialogue you can influence the outcome. Inherent in having the desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment.

A simple but a very impressive video of showing that how developing a positive mindset and discovering one’s own strength can lead to any achievement which otherwise seems impossible.  The next time you enter in to a sports competition or in a battle to excel in life always remember the lesson from this inspirational video and allsportpk message ” Being a human you have the minds, thus, you can have the control, ability to discover your own potentials and achieve the highest.” 

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