PSA-Professional Squash Association has announced and issued a provisional calendar, which has been updated for the remaining 2020-21 PSA World Tour season from May till August 2021.

The Manchester Open and Allam British Open have been move back to June and August, respectively. The change has been made to ensure that subject to UK Government Covid 19 restrictions being relaxed, there are greater chance of spectators being permitted.

The Manchester Open – originally scheduled for 19th-25th April – will now go ahead between 7th-13th June. The Allam British Open – which was planned to take place between 14th-20th June – will now be held between 16th-22nd August.

The Walter Family event – the PSA World Championships will now take place between 14th-22nd July instead of 10th-17th July.

The dates for the El Gouna International Squash Open and the CIB PSA World Tour Finals remain the same.

PSA World Tour Provisional Schedule: May – August 2021
1. El Gouna International Squash Open (Platinum): 20-28 May in El Gouna, Egypt
2. Manchester Open (Silver): 7-13 June in Manchester, England
3. CIB PSA World Tour Finals: 22-27 June in Cairo, Egypt
4. 2020-21 PSA Squash World Championships presented by the Walter Family: 14-22 July in Chicago, United States
5. Allam British Open (Platinum): 16-22 August in Hull, England