Home Adventure Trekking


Trekking is the outdoor recreation of carrying gear on one’s back, while hiking for more than a day. It is often but not always an extended journey, and may or may not involve camping outdoors. In North America tenting is common, where simple shelters and mountain huts found widely in Europe are rare. In New Zealand, tramping is an equivalent term though overnight huts are frequently used

Lombok Earthquake

Update – Indonesia Volcano Erupts: 500 Hikers Stranded

Indonesia Volcano Erupts: 500 Hikers Stranded Latest Update: According to Military officials Indonesia: Eruption of Rinjani volcano on Lombok (island in Indonesia) caused an intensive 6.4 magnitude earthquake,...
IBSF Snooker Asian Tour

2ND ACBS / IBSF Snooker Asian Tour: In China From 28th Oct.

2ND ACBS / IBSF Snooker Asian Tour: In China From 28th Oct. The 2nd championship of the Asian Tour 10 Reds Snooker 2018, will be...
Muhammad Ali Sadpara

Deadly Mont Blanc Summit: Sadpara 1st From Pakistan To Climb

Renowned Pakistani mountaineer Muhammad Ali Sadpara has added another feather in his cap by becoming the first-ever Pakistani to climb the Mont Blanc in...

Mountaineering Pakistan: German Team Arrives; Climbing Restriction Ends

After the coronavirus restrictions were lifted, a five member German team led by Felix Berg arrived in Pakistan to climb an un-named 6500m high...

Pakistan Rock Climbing Competition 2021: The Winners Are…

A two-weeks climbing festival organized by Alpine Club of Pakistan, the national mountaineering and sport climbing federation concluded at Islamabad. The Festival included rock climbing...

World’s First Quiet Trail: Receives International Recognition Certificate

The first ‘Quiet Trail’ was established in 2018 around Cuifeng Lake, which is the largest alpine lake in northeastern Yilan county of Taiwan. Cuifeng...

Allsportspk Sayings: People Who Make A Difference In Your Life!

Allsportspk Sayings: People Who Make A Difference In Your Life! This message may change one's attitude ! Do read it  !! 1. Name the 3 wealthiest...
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